On Saturday September 25, 2010 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, East Boston Main Streets and the Boston Preservation Alliance will host an interactive walking tour of Maverick and Central Squares with Support from Historic Boston Incorporated and the National Trust for Historic preservation.
Participants will share stories of how East Bostonians have built, worked and played in, preserved and given new life to the neighborhood’s special buildings and places – from the 9 Chelsea Street Sidewalk Clock to the Piers, from Engine 40 Firehouse to the Barnes School. Refreshments will be served. To join the walk, meet at ZUMIX, 260 Sumner Street (Engine 40 Firehouse)
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This event is FREE, but space is limited. Please contact Clark Moulaison at EB Main Streets to RSVP: 617-561-1044, ebmainstreets@verizon.net
This project is one part of an exciting new historic preservation outreach initiative in Allston and other parts of the city: the Neighborhood Preservation Partnership of Boston. With funding and support from the National Trust for Historic Preservation Partners in the Field Program, two local historic preservation organizations, Historic Boston Incorporated and the Boston Preservation Alliance, are using this initiative to extend historic preservation field services to Boston neighborhoods through workshops, priority planning and one-on-one assistance to property owners, residents, Boston Main Street districts, and community-based organizations.