Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Opposition mounting to entertainment license for Taco-Mex

This email arrived today from Susan Van Tuyl, a resident of Maverick Square.
As a resident of Maverick Square I am sending you this notice as to the change in use of Taco-Mex.  Taco-Mex located at 65-67 Maverick Square, is applying for an entertainment license.  Given the history of the owner's previous venue with an entertainment license in Orient Heights (involving police and numerous arrests), this is not, in my opinion, the best thing for Maverick Square, especially neighboring residences.  Those of us that front on the Square already have to deal with the noise generated by Eddie C's.  Having entertainment on this side of the Square - directly below our windows - can only add to the disturbance.  The Owner of Taco-Mex has stated that the entertainment will only be one classical guitar. But that detail has been omitted from the petition to the Board of Appeal.

The hearing is scheduled at City Hall on September 20th, at 10:30 a.m.  If you have an opinion on this matter; if you have a concern, either for or against - just showing up at the hearing will have little or no affect - by then approval will be a done deal.  Opinions must be voiced to the Commission in advance.  The telephone number is 617-635-4775.  I will try to find an e-mail address.